What is Smoke School?

Visible emissions training and certification, known as smoke school, is required by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in order for an individual to be recognized as a qualified observer of stationary emissions sources.
Emissions observers not only work for regulatory agencies (federal, state, and local) but they also work for private industries in order to maintain compliance with opacity permits.
The legal validity of emissions observations is dependent upon adherence to the regulations and guidelines set forth in Federal Reference US EPA Method 9. These regulations apply to smoke school providers as well as trained observers.
Field certification is valid for 183 days (6 months).
Visible Emissions Training in the United States
ETA has an extensive Visible Emissions Training and Certification schedule offered to the public in conjunction with state and local air pollution control agencies throughout the United States.
We also provide private training programs that can be tailored to your specific needs and schedule. These are often held on-site at your facility, which can be cost-effective by reducing travel expenses and down time for employees.
International Experience
ETA has also conducted training programs internationally and currently conducts a certification program in Jamaica every 6 months.
ETA has helped start and continues to support Visible Emissions Certification programs in India, Thailand, and Taiwan in addition to preforming consulting work for industries and governments in Canada, Mexico, and Russia.
Contact Us for Visible Emissions Training and Method 9 Certification
If you would like to get your Method 9 Certification, we can help! We have training programs nationwide. Contact us today at 919-878-3188 or email Kristy